Friday, September 21, 2012

The Spinning Wheel Of Death

Any Mac computer user will agree with me. The rainbow colored wheel spells doom. I cannot explain the frustration of seeing that little wheel go around and around as you realize that your computer has frozen and you're going to have to shut it down.

If you're someone like me who doesn't constantly save what she's doing, this is more then just disastrous. You lose TONS of important things. I've lost hours of school work, and, more importantly, hours of SIMS game time! Lost!

The reason I'm posting about this is because of an incident at school today with Thing One (freakishly tall best friend).

It was in Food Tech and I was bored out of my freaking brains. Then the teacher let us go on our laptops to do research for this fun project we're doing. So I happily opened up my computer lid- I was on lock screen and typed in my password and hit enter.

And it just froze. But, to my relief, there was no spinning wheel. I didn't want to shut down my computer because I hadn't saved my SIMS game and had several hours of unsaved hard work. And it would just suck if I lost it all.

My moans of self-pity attracted and Thing One's attention and she laughed at me as I pleaded with my computer, offering everything from a screen shine to new stickers if only it would log in. Then I did the ultimate- I promised my computer if it logged in I would marry it.

Thing One instantly laughed and said "now the spinning wheel's gonna come up!" and literally only two or three seconds after she said that, the dreaded rainbow wheel appeared. "Oops," went Thing One, "guess I jinxed it!" she joked, letting out a laugh. I was decidedly less then impressed.

So I did what any normal frustrated teenage girl would do. I shot her with a gun between the eyes.

Not really. I just stomped on her toes. She didn't even stop laughing, damn her!

I didn't speak to her for exactly 37 point something minutes. I know. It's sad that I counted. But the reason I spoke to her again? After over half an hour the wheel of doom disappeared and my computer unlocked!!! Woohoo!!!

Bye everyone!


  1. And this is why I prefer to use my desktop. Macs just don't really cut it for me.

    1. I know. I got a mac for school after three years of desktop and I've regretted it ever since
