Monday, September 17, 2012

The Three Types of Populars- and me!

Popular Girls

I can sort the ‘popular’ girls at school into three groups. There’s the Sporty Populars, the Snobby Populars and the Slutty Populars.

Characteristics of a Sporty Popular:

§  Good at sport (obviously)
§  Loud
§  Annoying
§  Talk to others in a patronizing tone of voice
§  Talks in class
§  Always orders around other kids, especially during sport
§  Rude
§  Think they’re amazing at sport (and everything else)

Queen of the Sporty Populars at my school: Abby-Rose (see above)

Characteristics of a Snobby Popular

§  Come from well known families
§  Parents are well liked, usually members of the school community
§  Complain about the school uniform
§  Have doting followers
§  Wear expensive make-up and clothes
§  Gossipy
§  Have high-self confidence
§  Outgoing personality
§  Bitchy
    Talk in class ALL the time
§  Can be attractive

Queen of the Snobby Populars at my school: Sammi (see above)

Characteristics of a Slutty Popular

§  Most are hot
§  Wears slutty clothes
§  Modifies the school uniform to look slutty
§  Blabs on and on about boyfriends
§  Bitchy
§  Wears a ton of make-up
§  Rude
§  Talks in baby-voice

Queen of the Slutty Populars at my school: Steph P (see above and times sluttiness by 1, 000, 000, 000, 000)

So why am I writing about this? I thought I should introduce myself a little, and what better way to introduce myself then talk about who I’m not.

Who am I?

I’m a bit different from most people. I’m socially awkward (like most bloggers), find it hard to express myself in person, have two friends (though I’m friendly with the Super Nice Nerds- I HATE the Super Stuck-Up Nerds) and belong in the tiniest friendship group in the school.

I call my friendship group.. drum roll... The Freaks. Coz we are. Kind of. In a nice way.

My friends are Thing One, Thing Two and Biffle. They are my bestest, bestest friends! Biffle is unfortunately in another country this year, but will be back next year.

Why are they freaks?

Thing One is freakishly tall- she's taller then all the students (and most teachers) in the school.

Thing Two is a freakishly smart... hell, she's a freaking genius! She's only 14 (she skipped a year and her birthday's in November, so she's not 15 yet) and she is doing year eleven maths (while she's in year ten), as well as advanced English and Science.

Biffle is freakishly into running. She wants to be a marathon runner in the Olympics. And let me tell you- she will be! Biffle runs approx. 5 to 10 kilometers every morning before school, and has training four times a week, after school. She whips butt at school cross-country and has broken all the cross-country records at our school- and our school is 138 years old!!! That's a hell of a lot of people, and Biffle's beaten them all!!!

So how am I a freak, you might be wondering... Who am I kidding? You don't need me to write down how messed up I am! It's kinda obvious... and if it isn't then I'm a better actress then I thought!!!

But, just for the hell of it, allow me to bare my soul to you!

I was admitted into a psychiatric ward when I was thirteen... Not much else needs to be said. I was admitted into a fucking psych ward!!! I won't go into too many details there, but it was a real low in my life... depression does that to a girl.

Going back to a lighter subject… I know this hasn't exactly been a 'funny' post' (which I aim to do and forgive me if I ever go for a cheap laugh... I'm learning!) but I just wanted to introduce my friends and classmates so when I blog about them later, you'll know who I'm talking about.

Hugs and kisses!


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